

Eve in Exile: A Book Recommendation

I recently read Eve in Exile: And the Restoration of Femininity by Rebekah Merkle. Okay, I actually listened to the audio book while I washed dishes in the evenings. It was the time this mom had, but I’m pretty sure it still counts as reading.

Rebekah’s basic premise is that we have lost our understanding of what biblical femininity is, partly due to the culture’s all-out efforts to promote a form of feminism. It has seeped into our daily function in ways we don’t even realize.

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Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Book Review)

The first time I read Life Together by Deitrich Bonhoeffer, I was longing for community and fellowship. In only five chapters, Bonhoeffer comprehensively describes the blessing of and need for community, how community is bound by our mutual affection for Christ, and what our fellowship together ought to consist of…

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Made for Friendship by Drew Hunter

Made For Friendship: The Relationship That Halves Our Sorrows and Doubles Our Joys by Drew Hunter encouraged and convicted me through every chapter. As an outgoing person, friendships have always been a big part of my life. I spend time with others often and get energy from being around people. Because of this, reading a book on friendship seemed like a helpful thing for me to do.

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Christ’s Heart for You and Me

What do I think God thinks and feels about me? Now, what does the Bible say He actually thinks and feels about me?

These are some of the questions that were provoked in my heart while reading Dane Ortlund’s book Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers.

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Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy

If one lives long enough in this broken world, one is inevitably confronted by pain or injustice. How then should a believer respond? In his book Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy: Discovering the Grace of Lament, MarkVroegop shows us the importance, the process, and the blessing of biblical lament in a

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Women’s Ministry Highlights

What a wonderful time we shared a little over a week ago at our women’s breakfast. Besides Jared’s encouraging teaching from his book, A Bright Tomorrow, we heard testimonies from three women about how God met them in the isolation, busyness, and trials of the past year. So many of

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