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This blog is a way for women to remind each other of the truths of the gospel
and get to know each other better in the process.

Jesus’s Words at the Gates of Hell
Not too long ago, I took a walk on a beautiful spring afternoon. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and I was miserable. Life at that time felt particularly burdensome to me, with responsibilities that seemed overwhelming and big unknowns about the future, and I just wanted to...
Jesus’s Words at the Gates of Hell
Last November (2022), my family had the privilege of traveling to Israel. We weren’t really sure what to expect, but our itinerary was jam packed. Each day was filled with visiting different historic biblical sites where Jesus and his disciples walked or where major events happened throughout the Bible like...
No Satellite Connection
I’m what one might call “peak millennial.” I got my driver’s license in the window of time between printed MapQuest directions and Google Maps with unlimited data, which makes one of the first “grown-up” purchases I made a brand-new Garmin GPS. That bulky touchscreen, suction-cupped to the windshield of my...
The Grace of Community in Walking through Grief
The past few years have been challenging ones, but God has met me powerfully through the grace of community. Here is my story.  My path led me to Covenant Fellowship in 1986 where I have attended since then, with a brief detour to the Chester, PA church plant. At the...
An Eternal Perspective Changes Everything
One of the major themes in my life in the last decade has been that an eternal perspective changes EVERYTHING. What do I mean by an “eternal perspective?” I mean that there is a reality that is far more real and lasting than the one we experience in the here...